Extrait du Jugement de la Cour d'Appel de Bordeaux

Du 17 Novembre 2020

"Or, à cet égard, on ne saurait suivre la société Enedis lorsqu’elle affirme l’existence d’une obligation légale pour le consommateur
d’accepter la pose d’un compteur Linky. En effet, les textes visés par Enedis, à savoir une directive européenne, une loi et un décret
n’imposent en rien une telle obligation."
"Ainsi, contrairement à ce qu’affirme la société Enedis, aucun texte légal ou règlementaire, européen ou national n’impose à
Enedis, société commerciale privée, concessionnaire du service public, d’installer au domicile des particuliers des compteurs Linky ..."
Vous avez le Droit de refuser le Compteur Linky

à ce jour 946 Communes

refusent le compteur LINKY !

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Site de Stéphane Lhomme

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Si vous installez des panneaux photovoltaïques en Autoconsommation,

le raccordement au réseau ENEDIS se fait avec un compteur LINKY

Plus d'informations ici


Aucun évènement à venir!

Radio transparence

Le compteur LINKY n'est pas obligatoire

Arrêt de la Cour d'Appel de Bordeaux

17 Novembre 2020

Arrêté du 9 juin 2016

fixant les modalités d'application du titre II

du décret n° 2001-387 du 3 mai 2001 relatif au contrôle

des instruments de mesure


Touche pas à mon compteur une émission présentée par Maud Bigand



Liens à Consulter :

Mise à jour des cas relevés au 27 02 2020 :


CDC Confirms First US Coronavirus Case Of 'Unknown Origin' As South Korea Infections Soar: Live Updates

Wed, 02/26/2020 - 20:00



Pour le Moyen-Orient, spécifiquement :


Mapping Coronavirus In The Middle East: 9 Countries Hit As Alarm Raised Over Vulnerable Refugee Camps

Tue, 02/25/2020 - 21:45


Official government numbers of infected in the region are as follows:

  • Bahrain (17 cases)

  • Egypt (1 case)

  • Iran (61 cases)

  • Iraq (5 cases)

  • Israel (2 cases)

  • Kuwait (3 cases)

  • Lebanon (1 case)

  • Oman (4 cases)

  • UAE (13 cases) (Emirats Arabes Unis)

Pour plus de details, voir : https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-middle-east-iran-israel-kuwait-bahrain-iraq-uae


Quand on ne teste pas les gens pour le Coronavirus, on ne trouve pas de cas… Exemple aux USA :


If CDC Believes US Coronavirus Outbreak Is "Imminent", Why Have Only 400 People Been Tested?

Mon, 02/24/2020 -


As the CDC and the State Department continue their blame game over who was responsible for breaking quarantine during the evacuation of more than 300 American passengers aboard the 'Diamond Princess', a Rutgers professor is raising interesting questions about the federal government's response to the outbreak on Twitter.

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology, pointed out that only 426 Americans have been tested for the coronavirus since the outbreak began.


Cas sous-évalués, même en Iran (50 morts à Qom selon un député, 12 dans les statistiques officielles) :



Dozens of Dead Bodies In Iran – Coronavirus


Mesures inappropriées en Italie ?


Italy Admits Hospital Accidentally Spread Coronavirus

Tue, 02/25/2020 - 09:55 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/south-korean-crisis-response-coordinator-commits-suicide-cases-near-1000-live-updates

Développement des cas en Corée du Sud - Suicide d’un des coordinateurs de l’action anti-épidémique :

South Korean Crisis-Response Coordinator Commits Suicide As Cases Near 1,000

Tue, 02/25/2020 - 06:51


Le Japon ne fera pas de quarantaines, puisqu’il pense qu’on ne peut stopper le virus (thèse d’un épidémiologiste de Harvard, voir ci-dessous) et qu’ils préfèrent consacrer leurs ressources médicales sur les cas les plus sérieux, demandant aux autres de rester chez eux…

"We Can't Stop This": Japan Rolls Out New 'Harm Reduction' Policy Aimed At Limiting Virus-Related Deaths

Tue, 25/02/2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/we-cant-stop-japan-rolls-out-new-harm-reduction-policy-aimed-limiting-virus-related

Overwhelmed by a flurry of 'unsolved' cases (that is, cases with no obvious connection to the outbreak in China, or anywhere else), Japanese health authorities announced on Tuesday a new plan intended to focus the country's precious medical resources on the most serious cases, while advising those with mild symptoms to treat themselves at home.

The approach differs markedly from the heavy handed tactics employed by Beijing, which at its peak had 760 million - roughly half the country - under some form of lockdown restriction.

According to the Washington Post,


the "basic premise" of the Japanese plan is that the virus can't be stopped. That's right: The Japanese are essentially acknowledging that the thesis proposed by Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch - ie that 70% of the world's population might someday contract the virus - has at least some legitimacy.




Impacts économiques qui commencent à se faire sentir en Chine et à l’international :


En Chine :


As China Grinds To A Halt, Firms Can No Longer Afford To Pay Workers

Wed, 02/19/2020 - 12:15 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinese-companies-cant-afford-pay-workers-supply-chains-disintegrate




Chinese Business Conditions Crash Most On Record



China’s economy continues to collapse as domestic car sales plunge a whopping 92% on spread of Wuhan coronavirus

Sunday, February 23, 2020 by: JD Heyes https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-23-chinas-economy-continues-collapse-car-sales-plunge-coronavirus.html

Mon, 24/02/2020


New Estimates Suggest Chinese Tech Shipments Are About To Crash

Wed, 19/02/2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/new-estimates-warn-chinese-tech-shipments-are-about-crash

"Negative Impact" - Top Apple Supplier Foxconn Warns Over Revenue Hit

Thu, 02/20/2020 - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/negative-impact-top-apple-supplier-foxconn-warns-over-revenue-hit


China’s economy continues to collapse as domestic car sales plunge a whopping 92% on spread of Wuhan coronavirus

Sunday, February 23, 2020 by: JD Heyes
Tags: automobile industry, China, Collapse, economy, factory, Geely, online purchases, outbreak, pandemic, risk, Sales, supply chain, workers, Wuhan coronavirus




A l’international :


France has seen a 30% to 40% fall in tourists following the coronavirus outbreak: Finance minister

Published Sun, Feb 23 2020



Key Points :


  • The drop off in tourist numbers is an “important impact” on France’s economy, Bruno Le Maire, the country’s finance minister, said.

  • France is one of the most visited countries in the world, and tourism accounts for nearly 8% of its GDP.

  • Le Maire said France welcomes around 2.7 million Chinese tourists to the country each year, but it “won’t be the same” in 2020.




"Negative Impact" - Top Apple Supplier Foxconn Warns Over Revenue Hit

Thu, 02/20/2020 - 09:10 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/negative-impact-top-apple-supplier-foxconn-warns-over-revenue-hit



Which Supply Chains Are Most At Risk: The Answer In One Chart

Wed, 02/19/2020 - 09:11








Essayer de soutenir la demande en distribuant de l’argent : inflation en perspective

Hong Kong Embraces Helicopter Money - Govt Gives Every Adult Citizen HK$10,000


25/02/2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/hong-kong-embraces-helicopter-money-govt-gives-every-adult-citizen-hk10000



Manque de médicaments à venir, qui sont majoritairement fabriqués en Chine


The vast majority of our pharmaceuticals, vitamins and supplements are made in China



"Keenly Aware"- FDA Braces For Drug And Medical Supply Shortages From China


How the COVID-19 Outbreak Shows the Limits of Pharma’s Monopoly Model




COVD-19 a eu de bien étrange « mutations »


Scientists Discover HIV-Like "Mutation" Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

Wed, 02/26/2020 - 19:45




Personnes Enfermées dans leur immeuble par comités de quartier







This video, from inside Wuhan, China on February 23, 2020, reveals the utter HELL being encountered by people in Quarantine over the Coronavirus outbreak. Screams of hunger and desperation fill the night air. Begging for food, for medical help. None comes.




Qui des enfants enfermés avec leur famille en quarantaine, si les adultes sont trop malades ou meurent ?


6-Year-Old Home Alone After Grandpa Passed Away


China is employing every possible effort to battle the still-spreading coronavirus. These trucks are spewing tons of disinfectant on streets and sidewalks in an effort to kill the virus.
